Friday, July 29, 2011

"And there was a war in heaven"

Well, looks like its time to go into "survival mode". I write this so that there is a record if for some reason that something happens to me in the near future, that this my story of things that may happen in the next few days, weeks, or months will be known.

First of all let me tell you the back groud story abit. I belong to this "club" as it was referred to me as where "we" supposedly "have each others back" if anything happens to anyone or some is giving any of the members any problems... At first it seemed to be a good thing, to be a member of an "elite" group of friends.. Most of the people in it seem to be "has-beens" and "what-nots" and all around the down trodden of the local area.. I joined, and "received my mark," a tattoo on my right hand near my thumb for it, it has now become a dark smudge to me, even though there are a lot of people around here that knows what it means and they seem to fear it.. those who caused this fear were "taken care of" by some members of the group by being "roughed up" and their tattoo covered up by force, or at least that is what I have been told in the past... If those things have happened in reality, I really cannot say or not if it really happened.

I recently stopped in at a local convienice store to get gas, and one of the elders in the group we call "the ark angels" that I belong to aproaches me and this is what played out..

(him) very angrily, "We need to talk".
( me) "OK, what about?"
(him) "I was recently told that I and the rest of the brothers are now considered 'hostile'."
( me) "Hmmm let me guess? xxxxx? or xxxxx?"
(him) "Im not talking about it here, call me later"
( me) "seriously? I don't see any of the brothers and being hostile, only those who have been possibly talking crap and taking my ex's side about all this crap that's been going on"
(him) "Seriously, I'm not talking about that here, call me later, cause I cant talk about it at work"
( me) "OK Whats your number?"
(him) "You don't have it? Its the same number it has been since forever it is XXX-XXX-XXX"
( me) "Alright I will call later then"
(him) "You better"

Any ways, I have jumped to survival mode, because for one, if some one comes to track me down there is no telling what is gonna happen... but I'm not going down like anyone else they have "taken care" of....

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