Yesterday I bought lumber and corigated fiberglass to add a roof over the kitchen, so far so good. I did manage to burn my finger on a very hot screw. I will never buy the crap screws that I bought yesterday for the simple fact that the quality is lacking and strip out as you try and screw them in. I had issues while putting it al together though. First thing that happened was oje of the walls I was re-attaching which is made of a tarp, collapsed and tore breaking the frame free of the house. Then my drill died which put work off for a while while we ran back to town to get another drill. After getting back home it decided to rain pour on me while I finished constructing the roof. It now also has a skylite due to the corrigated fiberglass.. I also covered the plywood with viso-elastic coating and will be adding a second coat when i get home today...
I didn't get any pictures because I didn't think to have Sandi take pictures.
Thanks for reading