I really dislike waking to dreams that follow you into the waking shakes that it causes. The strange side is I can always tell that its not going to be good due to the structure of the dream. I used to control my dreams and do things in deep mediative states to control things in that "world" quite regular. These dreams were a bit fierce in that they were of the a certain nature I believe. Given unto me to show just how helpless I really am without God and Jesus to watch over me and to give me strength. Let me explain....
I started out I was someplace visiting an elderly man (I am not sure if I know this man or not) I was doing what appeared to be house work. There was a knock at the door and the elderly man said "come in". A rather tall man who came in walked over to the other and started speaking to him. As they were speaking, the tall man started to speak in what appeared to be Latin, which grabbed my attention and I started listening. My first thought was that he was some sort of catholic priest and they were praying together. The tall man stopped praying and was whispering and the older man started saying "No!" and seemed to be scared of the tall man. I stepped closer and that's when I heard and saw the change in the tall man. He was becoming gnarled and looked to becoming rough, speaking with a growl and saying, "we miss you (I can't remember the name) and I have been sent to bring you back" at this point he turned to me and his eyes were turning a deep red and smoke tendrils were coming off of him as if he had been really hot and stepped into a very cold room. I immediately started calling upon Jesus's name and telling him leave the man alone. He immediately came towards me and called me a coward and ... Now mind you he never touches me but instead as he gets closer, its as if I have been tossed out of my dream. It never really gets dark in my house so I can see my surroundings, shaken up I got out of bed and went downstairs to the bathroom and then went back to bed. ...
As I drifted back to sleep I re-enter my dream and the tall man is waiting for me. He says "I knew you would be back, its only time." As he comes towards me I call on Jesus to send a league of angels to protect me and ever one in the house. The tall man screams as if in pain and starts to disappear. I ask the elderly man if he is OK and he still seems worried. Another knock at the door, this time I go to answer it and it is a bunch of people and they are asking "is this the place where the man chased away the devil?"
The very moment I say "yes, by the power of the Lord" then they all over whelm me wanting me to help them also.
This was at the time I woke and stayed up.
I truly hate having dreams like this and it seems when they start it becomes unending for months at times. It all about spiritual warfare, it seems that spirits like to attach to me and harass me quite often and guess what, we went to the museum yesterday and I'm thinking perhaps something from the ancient artifacts perhaps followed me home or perhaps its something else....
Church is about to start now and I believe its time to start a study on spiritual warfare.... Be warned it probably won't be the best by far for I will be doing this one on my own and not using anyone else's study...
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