Im thinking about writing about past adventures, a glimpse if you will of the world of me.
I don’t know if anyone would be interested in these memories, of times that went wrong and adventures that went sideways at times. Some of it would be the same as when you grew up maybe, but it will be from a gen x type perspective of the trials of survival… err I mean life… It wont be in any certain order and I will change the names for legal reasons. So shall we start?
I grew up in a smallish town (less than 100k) had 3 siblings I grew up with but had 5 others that would visit from time to time. My dad worked for the city in different positions over the years and we didn’t really want for anything because those needs were taken care of. I can remember lots of vacations but those memories are some what clouded and mixed up because I was so young.
This first story was back in the mid to late 70s, 1977 or 78 I think. I would have to go digging through old photos to get the exact date and those are in storage. We had ventured out to the East Coast to visit with Dad’s brother and one of his old service buddies.
His friend had kids as well and there was this girl, she was between the age of me and my youngest brother who is 5 years older than me. Anyways, aparently me and this girl were inseparable during that visit, we went and played in the woods and there was this pond, it had a culvert type pipe sitting in it, and she talked me into getting over to it. Then jumped back out, she then told me “dont fall in the water, it will suck you down and you will never be seen again.” Well guess what I didnt do very easily? Yup, I was stuck. Looking back now and thinking about this, I think this girl must have been closer to my brothers age than me, its kind of the same meanness that he always did to me as well. Anyways, my brother came to the rescue, but was only so he didnt get into trouble. He was supposed be watching over us, and had decided to do his own thing.
Ive still got a photo of me and this girl but I could not tell you what her name is. During this vacation we also made it out to the ocean with the same family, I remember being on a pier, we did some crab fishing with traps that we had set out. On this pier was also a slide that went down and would drop you into the water, aparently it wasn’t deep water there, she talked me into going down the slide. I went down it, but I didnt come back feet stuck in the sand and I was below the surface. The next thing I knew was my Dad pulling me out of the water and saving me.
I also remember going to Revolutionary War battle sites and museums that year, getting lost in the museum in Washington DC, seeing all the founding documents and getting copies of them, and standing under the liberty bell and actually touching it. It was a fairly memorable time but the memories arnt as vibrant as they were just a few years back. I was only about 4 or 5 back then.
Tomorrow, I will try and post another and bring you along, perhaps it will be one of the more recent memories… Thanks for reading, ~W