Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Its been a while..

I'm trying to get back to posting again, and just haven't had the time or initiative to write in some time.

I'm sorry I haven't posted and I know I have some readers quite often but just haven't felt like writing; which, is the entire reason I could never monetize my blog. But that is far and between anything at this point.. So let me catch you up to speed.

We bought the farm, got animals, and attempting a more simple life.. the garden was a big flop this year.. perhaps next year it will be better, I've been dropping fertilizer on it often from the chickens and rabbits the last 2 months.

Chickens completely quit laying because of some night visitor (the sad side of this is that the person took my porcilin eggs and then brought them back the following night, not just once but 3 times) that was stealing eggs, and we had no eggs for about 2 months. And if you don't know, its just so horrible to have to eat store bought eggs once you have been eating eggs that you have collected from your own chickens..

The same visitor took 4 full grown turkeys as well.. Everyone as in neighbors around here keep trying to say its coyotes; however, what they don't see is that a shoulder high fence was pushed all the way to the ground at a fence post which I had to disconnect and pull back up. Also there were no signs of struggle and no feathers spread about.. it was almost like they were completely abducted and never existed, an animal attack would not be like that.

Anyways, time to get ready for work.. Have a great day!!


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