90% of people in the United States give up on their dreams by the time they are 28 years old.
It is something we are taught that if you work hard and long hours that we can have all we want and and that you need to finance your vacations and keep up with the neighbors and their toys.
Did you know that you don't have to keep up with the neighbors and you don't have to finance your vacations?
We as a society have forgotten how to dream, how to really dream. I too had forgotten what it was like to dream. In the last few months I have begun to dream again. This is because of some people I have recently met in December. I have now learned that there are ways to win your dreams and accomplish them.
1.) Be willing to bet on yourself.
2.) Lead your life instead of letting your life lead you.
3.) Love what you do and do what you love. (This one I have always heard)
4.) Don't compare yourself or your dreams to someone elses.
5.) Believe in your vision of the future even when no one else does.
Above all else, Don't let anyone make you believe it is not possible to accomplish your dreams.
Lies, Lies and more Lies
There are many excuses that we ot someone else tells us that crushes and kills our dreams, here are just a couple of them and the truth that can defeat them.
The first lie that crushes dreams is that "dreams don't come true for ordinary people.."
The truth is, you are not ordinary so of course your dream can come true.
The second lie most often told to crush dreams is that if your dream isn't big, that it isn't worth going after.
The truth is that your dream doesn't have to be big, it just has to be bigger than you. Meaning that it has to be big enough for you to just get out of your comfort zone and strive for more.
The third biggest lie told to crush your dreams is that now is not the time to follow your dreams.
The truth is that if you don't chase those dreams now, then you may never chase them and not make them come true.
In my opinion this is the one that crushes your dreams the worst because it is the one that makes you forget them altogether.
I had a dream at one time that I was going to travel and see the home of my ancestors in Scotland and Ireland. Did I do it? Not yet, but I plan to in the near future.
Until next time, God bless you.
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