Saturday, December 23, 2023
something that came up
Monday, November 13, 2023
Just a few rings
Sunday, November 05, 2023
added a bunch of rings to the store.
Tuesday, September 12, 2023
a new store
Saturday, September 02, 2023
we booked our first show.
Sunday, August 13, 2023
We are now selling on Etsy
Wednesday, July 26, 2023
darkness decends and sent back
Monday, July 24, 2023
Ever have one of th9se day?
You know one if the ones that nothing goes right and anything and everything that can go wrong does? That was today. Scheduled a day at ine of my regular clients and only expected to be there about 3 hours and not be that hard of a day.
Started out I went in and we discussed the things I needed to do and what was on the agenda. Wasnt a big deal, switch out a busted water hose, cut a limb that had fallen and remove it, trim some limbs that hang down far enough that are hitting the top of the car as you drive down the driveway, mow and weed eat.
Boy was I wrong..
Started the mower just fine, drove it out towards the truck so I could see in the tank and it looked like it had gas in it, which it looked like it had gas in it and thought i could mow the front end and then fill it up when i got back to the house. Nope, I was wrong. Got two thirds mowed by the street when the mower died.
The walk up the driveway from where the mower died was about the length of 2 or 3 city blocks. I was hobbling most the way from my foot and knee still hurting from the weekend.
I got the gas can and put it and the weed eater in the golf cart and drove back down to the mower to refill the gas.
Guess what still didn’t start? The mower, aparently the starter went out and I killed the battery trying to start it. So I went ahead and started weed eating. Got the entire front end on the one side finished. Pulled the battery and loaded it back up into the golf cart and drove it back to house to charge it.
Went inside and told my client about what happened and that inwas going to charge the battery while I cut up the limb.
She told me to use the chainsaw and that it should be good because it had just had a tune up a few years ago and hasnt been used since. I checked the oil and filled the gas tank, primed the motor and attempted to start it. It started but would not stay running.
Inwas already a bit tired from doing the weed eating, so i took the chainsaw back to the shed and put it up, and dug through my tool box to get to my saw zaw. Pulled out my long extension cord and plugged it in and proceeded to cut up this fairly big limb.
I backed up the truck but couldnt get it that close so had to walk these shorter chunks of wood that was still kinda heavy and loaded up my truck. After loaded I pulled my truck back forward and trimmed those low hanging limbs.
Wound up my cord and put my saw away, loaded up the battery back into the golf cart and my car battery jumper and drive back down to the mower. It still wouldnt start and apparently the battery didn’t charge. I used the jumper and got it to finally fire up by shorting the solenoid. But didnt stay running.
I drive back to house and the lady that helps with cleaning inside the house was just getting ready to leave and asked me what was going on. I told her I have to go tow the mower back to the house. She wanted to help by steering.
Guess where my straps were? In my tiredness and not expecting to have to tow the mower back, I had covered them up with the cut up logs. I dug through and found them and put them on top for easy access when I got to the mower.
I drove down to the mower and the lady was already there and looking at the mower. So i backed up to it and started attaching the straps. Went to the back and disengaged the drive mechanism which is supposed to basicly have it in neutral for towing. She got in the seat and I showed her to keep the handles in neutral. It didn’t engage but I didn’t know that at the time.
I started to pull forward and pulled it into the road, but since I didnt know it had not engaged into neutral, the back tires were locked and I left ruts in the dirt. The one end of the strap pulled free when the mower hit the road due to the extra resistance.
At this point I was frustrated but had an idea. I pulled out the jumper, raised the seat of the mower, connected it to the battery and then put it neutral. There was a sound that of it engaging, so I disconnected the battery and booster and listened for it to disengage. It didn’t so I was in luck, the mower was now locked into neutral
I started to pull forward and pulled it into the road, but since I didnt know it had not engaged into neutral, the back tires were locked and I left ruts in the dirt. The one end of the strap pulled free when the mower hit the road due to the extra resistance.
At this point I was frustrated but had an idea. I pulled out the jumper, raised the seat of the mower, connected it to the battery and then put it neutral. There was a sound that of it engaging, so I disconnected the battery and booster and listened for it to disengage. It didn’t so I was in luck, the mower was now locked into neutral.
I re attached the straps to the front and then hooked it up to the truck hitch and pulled it all the way to the house. When we got there I unhooked it from the truck and then and I pulled it the rest of the way and into the shed about 50 feet away. The lady kept telling me that she couldn’t believe i knew how to do all this and wanted to know how I knew to do things. I told her it was growing up fixing things and all was pretty much trial and error back then.
My client at this time was upset and scared that something happened to me because we had towed the mower back, I explained to her what was going on and she could tell I was tired. She told me I sould go home and get some rest. Wanted to know what she owed me for the work I did and I told her then told me to go home and rest and call in the next few days.
After I left I needed to go to the store and get food for Barbie (to see pic of her you can look at my post “pets“). I went in and bought what I needed and a few other things and came back to the truck. Unlocked the passenger door and loaded the items into the truck, shut and lock the door and then went to the driver side. I aparently had also tossed my heys up on the seat and didnt realise it. I was locked out.
I still made it home, woke up today hurting like hell but I survived.
Sunday, July 16, 2023
words of warning.
Tuesday, July 11, 2023
Thursday, July 06, 2023
Lost track of what I was thinking
Sunday, July 02, 2023
A glimpse into our life
As I’ve stated before we are semi offgrid, we tend to use coolers to keep our food cool and can be difficult more in the summer than winter. You will want a good cooler to do this and yes they can be expensive but it is a good investment. The one we chose is the Lifetime 55 quart cooler. We chose it because it has flip tabs instead of having to pull the big rubber pieces up which is hard to do in the winter.
We keep ours outside due to the limited space inside, so you will want to have it in an accessable area and in the shade. Instead of buying ice all the time, you may want to invest in a freezer with solar set up. A freezer doesnt usually use power as much as you would expect and about a 100 watt system with a single car battery should work fine. Just make sure that you have enough amp output for the peak which is when the compressor first kicks on.
With our cook stove, we went with the camp chef, which is a propane stove and has its own oven in case we decide to bake things. We have been using it for about 3 years now and can say it does very well. It has 2 large burners on top, and 2 oven racks inside the oven which can fit up to a 12 inch pizza.
Our toilet is a chem toilet but I am seriously thinking about going back to a composting toilet with a urine diverter. They do work very well and you dont have to continue to purchase the chemicals which prevents the feces from breaking down. Considering the majority of the contents of a toilet ends up being liquid, it would save trips to a dump station for the chem toilet where as with a composting toilet you can either compost the waste, burn it or have it hauled away with the trash depending in the local laws.
We do have a single light in the house, a fan and now an air conditioner in our house. As for heat I am using a buddy heater which sometimes is too hot in the winter, so its not used a lot but is also hooked up to a 20 lb propane tank.
#offgrid #tinyhouse #lifestyle
Saturday, July 01, 2023
Playin cbg p2
I find GDG /151 tuning good for single note work, double stops, walking bass lines, shuffle rhythms, alternating bass, and bottleneck slide. It leads to an early rural country blues Delta tone. Although you can certainly strum chords, the string intervals of this tuning are not the best for creating a consistent Moveable Chord Method.
Using GDG, I can easily retune to ADF#. Not only changing the string intervals, but the key too. From G to D. This tuning creates an opportunity to play chords very similar to the method used on a standard 6 string guitar. Here is one example of how I utilize it:
See 2 CD Set (CD 4 & 6) Please watch the video demos and read the descriptions. They are on the individual CD listings. Click here: mrs=1&_from=&_ipg=&_trksid=p3686
Wednesday, June 28, 2023
Playing cbg p1
Something that should have gotten posted years ago but didn't....
Playing Cigar Box Guitar - Part 1
Most folk, blues, gospel, and rock & roll songs are played in the common keys of C A G E D. They are all relative to each other. Each has a Major Scale that contains 8 notes (octave) A popular approach is to tune to the key of G. 1-G 2-A 3-B 4-C 5-D 6-E 7-F# 8-G
Here are 4 suggested tunings:
Here is an example of GDG tuning. Notice notes 151 from the G Major Scale are used to create this tuning. Use string strings: A (.045) D (.035) G (.026)
All aboard!!!
Sunday, June 25, 2023
A diffrent kind of easy bake oven
things I know best
Saturday, June 24, 2023
Which food, when you eat it, instantly transports you to childhood?
I know it doesnt sound ideal, but I grew up with a mom that was raised not long after the depression. We wasnt rich but we wasnt not poor either, about 90% of my parents earnings went back into our family business.
Every morning, mostly in winter but also on other cold days. After waking up and getting dressed, I was handed a large cup usually that was filled with a drink of liquid corn meal mush. It was usually mom that would make it and was cooked with a bit of bacon grease or butter and sugar, then added milk to thin it out and cool it enough to drink during the wait for the bus. Having mush always takes me back to the times of those cold mornings of holding my mush in one hand, a cup of coffee in the other and heavy backpack on my back while waiting in the cold just before daylight for the bus.
I still eat mush every now and again and always use butter and sugar instead of the bacon grease. My wife was recently introduced to it by me one morning and she couldnt believe she hadnt had it before.. lol