Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Updates and the holidays
This past week has been of interest and Sandi's sister has been in the hospital, I want to wish her a very speedy recovery and that everything comes out good. She has scared us the past week several times. So we all are praying for ya Christi!
Well its getting to be about the time to get ready and head up to meet with Mr. Lee...
thanks for the read and please leave a note saying you've been here.. ~Brad
Oh thought I would leave you with a pic of this wonderful turkey that Christi made for thanks giving even though its been almost a month... And yes thats bacon... mmmm mmmm
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Goings on and a few looks back...
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Well today it was really cold and didnt want to get out of bed cause I knew I need to go and change out this thermostat on the truck that I could not get off yesterday... I was tired and stressed and busted my hand 3 times. When I told Sandi I was writing a blog entry she asked if I was bored so I told her I hadnt written one i n some time, but this is of inconsequence for this entry and rather a giggle factor. I wanted to look back a bit here and tell you that one of the reasons I started this blog was to give information that I refuse to put on facebook and point out some things that I have learned and things I plan to do. Either way I sit here in my little house writing this entry today and have said absolutely nothing... What a joke... I will write something of more sustanance later and maybe a picture as well... Thanks for reading, Brad
Thursday, December 01, 2011
Grilled peanutbutter sandwich by the kerosene heater
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Its cold outside but we are warm... Everyone is asleep except for me. I am working another morning shift in the tomorrow, so of course my mid nite persona says "you aint sleepin bub" and it bites cause i gotta be up in a few hours for work. I sold my big screen tv so I bought a 19 in one with the cash I got out of it. I also built a digital tv antena from 40' of wire, 3' of pvc pipe and a coax cable I scrounged up. So far so good, we get 9 channels one of which is the pbs radio channel. My title tonight says alot.. I really am eating a grilled pb sandwhich which i cooked on a sheet of alumnum foil on the heater. It is mighty good I might add. Suprisingly, we have not all killed each other yet in this tiny domicile, and something bigger will seem huge when we move into it.. Good night all, and dont forget to let me know you were here.. ~Brad~
Saturday, November 19, 2011
some pics of our temporary place
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Week 2 day 2..
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Brrr its rather cold tonight. Yesterday was pretty bad because it was windy. Today it wasnt so bad other other than runing out of fuel for the heater of which caused us to have to go back into town to get fuel. i have tied things to ceiling to keep it out of the way, such as my hunting gear and the chairs.. Will be adding more later..
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Week 2 day 1
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Well starting out week 2 in the shack. Yesterdays rains beat us down a bit and made it cold .. Today we have gail force winds. We awoke to the kitchen adon made from tarps demolished and to the kitchen top it off no coffee yet due to the coleman stove gave up the ghost. Me the man with a back up now remembers why youre not supposed to use a buddy burner indoors... Lots of black smoke... *sigh* hoping tomorrow a better day~Brad
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Still moving.. things look up a bit
and Nate ate there sleeping right now and will try and get more moved
after I wake up tomorrow. Anyways, leave me a note and let me know you
were here... thanks ~Brad
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Saturday, November 05, 2011
Composting Toilet
Until then here's the pics to keep ya occupied...
Friday, November 04, 2011
No title its just too funny...
Friday, October 28, 2011
Time passes...and with everything....
We have been a bit busy and there has been some things going on. Firstly we have been looking for another place to move to, it has become more of a labor to just be here and has been made very clear that we have overstayed our welcome even though we are constantly told that we need to stay here, perhaps its because ALL of the bills are getting paid by us. Either way the matter of payin' the bills really is of no consequence and it really does go to show that when you get stuck somewhere, don't get comfortable cause you may have issues getting back on track and getting out to where you need to be.
I started looking for a places to rent but it has been far and few.. apparently this area has just since last year decided that everyone is rich and requires deposits that are rather large... actually had some one tell me they wanted first and last month rent plus a $600 deposit ($1300 total) for a 2 bedroom apartment on the bad side of town and nothing was furnished not even a fridge, this was just to get into the place.
Anyways, just wanted to post here what is going on and may or may not be able to get on here, other than from my phone for a while... this meaning I probably wont be able to provide feedback either..
As always leave a message saying you were here, and may God bless you always as you move along your path of this great journey called life.
Friday, October 07, 2011
Class of 1991 Rulez
My high school years were pretty good I think, I mean that I have made other friends and connections that I had not had prior, even though I remember knowing almost every one I went to school with cause alot of them I knew since head start. But I did make new friends as well that were not even originally from this area and found that every one knew me by face but not nessesarily by name at the reunion.
I remember high school very well, while most people were mingling and going to dances and other school functions, I did not. I myself for the first 2 years of high school was learning all the ins and out of the bait business and how it was going to be one of the only things that my step-father was leaving behind for me when he passed away in the fall of 1988 which was my sophomore year of school. My step-father was flat out mean at times but he most definitely knew business and moreso he knew the things I was to learn to make the business flourish...
Other than runing the bait shop I learned more about business than I am guessing I was supposed to, what I mean about this is that I did not get an allowance however after many an argument with my mom I did manage to get her to give me $5 per week to at least get me seconds in the cafeteria to eat. This money went for this at first, and then I obtained a smoking habit and was spending this measly $5 per week on a pack of smokes daily.. at this time Marlboro had just came out with mediums and was selling them for $1 a pack.. I found I could get served at a little market and I began to turn a profit, buying 5 packs on Monday and selling 4 before lunch at $2 per pack, this allowed me to not only eat lunch but still buy more smokes at lunch if I didn't eat in the cafeteria. By the spring of my Sophmore year I was turning a decent profit simply because I started getting lunch money weekly.
The summer before my Junior year became an whole new ball game.. I started running with the crowd in Bonnie when my mom was at home before she would go to work, and then had to be back to work the bait shop.. this went on until a few weeks before school started up again and then it was back to the prison bait shop once again.
Shortly after school started I found that I had been getting benefits from my step-father after he died and demanded to my mom <yeah I know it wasn't the right thing to do> that I get the back amount of allowance and considering that I was made to watch the bait shop from the time I got up until the buss picked me up and then as soon as I was droped off from school, I never had time of my own and was a prisoner of that wretched place and I figured I deserved it, plus all I asked for was $250 which was to buy me a dirt bike. This didnt fall through but I did end up buying a pool que, to which I started sneaking down to Bonnie and learned to play... I excelled at this and ended up not only using my $5 for smokes but would spend days scalping in pool as a shark at the "8 ball" which turned out to be owned by the "local mafia" which ended that rather quickly. <another story on its own>
my Junior and Senior years I spent more time in Bonnie, chasing 1 single girl that would never have me, which ended up being a learning lesson later in life and is probably something I should have learned back then.. either way it caused all kinds of missed opportunities and eventually caused part of my reputation.. but thats a whole different story and its getting me off story. other than saying that my Junior and senior years I became a very bad person.. I found that I liked tequila and whiskey and they were my best friends when I had the chance, drank them strait or mixed together as a bandanna where you float on drink on top of another, so I would sometimes sandwich in layers tequila and whiskey and then tequila or vise-versa so it looked clear gold clear for I found I preferred silver Juarez over the others for it was cheaper..
Anyways I have gotten way off track and to write all about my school years it would be a rather large novel of which I tried to sum up just a little here. even though I stopped short. Perhaps I do need to go ahead and write that book as a friend of mine has been telling me I need to do.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
2 days til the reunion and 3 days til deer season
Saturday morning at about 630 am is the official start of deer season, Friday I need to go get my tags, I do fully intend on getting one this year.. I am tired of being dependent on other people to get a deer and beg for scraps of theirs.. Instead I want to feel the rush of taking the shot and letting loose an arrow from my own hand and watch it plunge deep into the vitals of a deer that I may in fact feed my family... I plan fully on utilizing as much of it as possible, especially the meat and hide.. Do I have to high of expectations? Maybe, I know its gonna be a lot of work and is gonna be hard to carry one out on my own, but at least its not an elk or moose, I would never be able to pull out something soo big... Anyways just wanted to get this out here and hope that it doesn't offend anyone... have a nice day and hope to see you on the next entry..
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Google plus... get it all together in the same place
Friday, September 23, 2011
Pondering of the Things That Can Be or Something to Think About
So how much is your time worth??
Me mine is worth 7920 / month which now once again is equal to 264 / day or 11 / hour
Yeah I know I am easily worth $11/hr so how much are you worth??
I greatly got off topic on this but to an effect of how much this job is worth
350 per week / 7 days = $50 / day which is $2.08 / hr...
This isnt looking very good to me, but then again I have been wrong in the past...
Take care cause I am going out and gonna get wet walking a dog, have a good night every one...
Sunday, September 11, 2011
How Many times Can you die instide before you snap
Thursday I went to divorce court and supposedly everything is done and just waiting for the final document to be drawn up and we both sign it as well, bad side is that her lawyer is on the shady side...
Ok while things were going on she said she would have our daughter text or call me when she got off from school so that I could spend some time with her, she also informed me that she and her boyfriend were inseparable and even sleep together... (now these details are important so keep it in mind).. she said that she had beaten her up on more than one occasion because she is jealous and extremely possessive of him and even made threats to her mom because she thought they were having something to do with each other.. now her boyfriend is supposedly 16 and my daughter is only 13.
Now at 230 pm CST when I received a text "Our darling daughter just slapped me twice and once in the face" I asked why and the response was "Because I told her to stop slamming the door because she had broke it and now it sticks" ... I told her "what do you want me to do, you have custody and are supposed to be responsible" to this the texts stopped...
231 AM CST I recieve a phone call and it wakes me from a sleep.. I dont answer. a few moments later I recieve a text
her "Hey R U at work? Its important about Briana"
me "what is going on with her?"
her We R at the hospital she just like went crazy again fo no reason and the police had took her and they said she was talking to sumone who wasnt there"
me "WTF.. which hospital?"
me "when did this happen???"
her "good Sam for now"
her "prob about midnight..she's almost bit a place out of moms ARM.."
her "Mom asked why her pack was missing cigarettes and briana started screaming at her and came at her hitting her.."
me "Why is she being so violent towards her just now??"
her "just not her me earlier too I asked her can she stop slamming.doors and she went crazy"
me "Yeah she said she slapped her in the face for telling her to stop earlier too"
her "Yeah she has been beating on mom for awhile now and threatening us for stupid stuff.."
me "Really? And no one has said anything about this until now?"
me "After the last school court thing she threatened me on facebook"
me "is your mom going to press charges?"
her "No she wouldn't do that butI gotta go home and take mom to get her trk to go back to hospital.."
me "So is this erica?"
her "So she will talk to you in a bit..."
her "Yeah" Time at this point is 316 AM CST
403 AM CST I started recieving texts again this time its her mom and I am asleep so I dont answer :
403 AM CST her "It's gonna be a couple hrs before the sas worker gets here to evaluate briana to see what needs to be done"
608 AM CST her "Still at hospital.. just to keep you informed.."
803 AM CST her "U comming to see Bre after work??"
854 AM CST me "Yeah will be there shortly"
857 AM CST her "k"
900 AM CST her "Still back in ER. Going to Srpingfield.illinois to Lincoln Prarie Behavioral Helth Center by lifestar..."
903 AM CST me "Wow... WHen"
903 AM CST her "Here soon"
904 AM CST me "Im on the way"
As soon as I get there one of the hospital staff that I grew up with says "Brad shes back here come on back" then as soon as I walk through the door she asks "how old is that boy?? You really need to get on that Brad, I walked in on some pretty inappropriate stuff over nite"
me "figures, he looks a lot older than her doesnt he?"
I walked in the room where my daughter was and she was restrained to a gurnney and smilled as I walked in the door..
I have decided to just leave the rest out of this but will say due to conversations last night, stories do not match up, Bre and Erica's stories are the same but their mom's version is quite a bit distorted... I will leave it at that and I do seriously believe I know what is going on, especially after being asked when child support is gonna start... Also have found that this same day this all happened she was here askin my frind for money and never said anything about the attacks that were prior to this, so it makes me really wonder if they even happened.
Hunters safety
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This week has been pretty busy and stressful and is part of the reason i havnt had anything posted this week. Had a CPI class on wednesday right after work, court the next day.. Divorce is pretty much done. friday my daughter was shipped off to mental health facility by her mom. And me and Nate have finished the hunters safety course. We both now can get a hunting license in any state in america now...
No this is not the entry i wrote about on facebook.. That one i am not finished with as of yet.. Just keep an eye out tho hopefully tomorrow.. I also have more to add that has happened since then as well
Tuesday, September 06, 2011
I can tell you that I never want to relive this again... I still am feeling quite weak at this moment
Ugg moldy coffee can kill you and other things
I know I havnt been posting as often as I have in the past and I am thinking this is going to become a weekly thing even though at time I may come in and write something daily.. I will however make at least a weekly entry.. for those who follow me... please leave me a note or something just so that I have a reason to keep posting... yeah I know I should beg but please leave me some kind of note to say you read me.. thanks,
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Reunions and things
I have a really wild story from when we went fishing Monday night.
We went to "the wall" down at the lake, I wanted to go cause I thought the water would be cold enough to do some crappie fishing, crappie wasn't biting but catfish started hitting after being there for about 2 hours. After dark though I started getting a lot of bites but returned no fish. My son started sending me messages via facebook to my phone so I started answering him. during this time a fish hits my line so hard my good pole shoots strait out and right into the lake. Frustrated I reel in my other line and cast back out a few times hoping that I can catch my line, but to no avail no luck, so I cast right about the same place I was casting and waited. No more than 5 minuted after I sat my pole down, I get a bite and my line takes off heading towards the end of the wall. its fights for a few seconds then it stops.. i continue reeling and here comes my good pole right out of the water .. the fish was still on it up to point it breaks the water and then splash it breaks the line.
There's a lesson here. The lesson is that God can take things away any times he pleases and if he wishes to he can give it back... God is GREAT and AWESOME!!
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Sandi lands a bass
all in all it was a good day yesterday... As for me, I have been using the new E-reader that we rented for an evaluation. I have been reading "Way of the Bow" by Paulo Coelho so far its a really good read.
Every day I have been practicing with the new compound bow and can hit my target rather easily so long as it not more than 30 yrds away... im still working on shooting from a farther distance and think I may hit the target area after this next pay period.. i don't know yet.. I don know that deer tags go on sale next week and think i may get those after I get paid.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Its been busy.
Friday, I went and bought an old compound bow (Fred Bear polar II) for $40 from a guy that deals sells alot of them apparently... He doesn't get online or anything and does his selling and buying the old way. If some one reads my blog and wants his number ask and I will let you have it...
Nate and I have been shooting my target I bought this last week as well, I have been shooting my new compound and Nate has been shooting my self bow. Sandi bought me some new arrows last night because we found a really good deal on them, Nate is getting better, I think its my self bow helping him out there, his bow that my cousin gave him only had a 30 lb draw, mine has 45.. the new compound shoots at 50-60 lbs..
At work I have been doing extra hours until they get the one new person trained and hire another one, apparently one of the residents scared the one new girl so bad that she quit on the spot.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Some of the Latest
I had a friend send me a message this evening on Facebook saying that a black cougar was spotted last night just a few blocks from the house, so when I walk the dog from now on I need to be fairly careful and keep an eye out.
Squirrel hunting started August 1, soon deer hunting will start on Oct 1 and rabbit follows a month later at the second Sunday of November and of course ground hog has been in since June.. yet ever since the seasons have started I have seen neither a ground hog nor squirrel that I could get to hunt..
this weekend will be tough on me 'cause they fired one person and another one quit at work, so I get to take up their hours, work evening then soon as I get off come home and sleep so that I can be right back to work, at least its more $$ i guess...
If ya stop by please leave me a note, thanks
~ Brad
Monday, August 15, 2011
Greying hair? Really?
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I know I keep telling myself to write and write and it just doesnt happen.. Something comes up and I forget or loose track of time and dont get an entry in.
Apparently stress does take a toll on the human body, I was once blonde and now im turning grey... I'm thinking it is from the stress of this divorce.. I have decided that once it is over, I think I want to travel away from this area. She turned my children against me and I really don't think I can stand to be here anymore. My son has only recently started talking to me but he lives some 200 miles away. I truely feel lost at this point and feel I have to constantly look over my shoulders like I'm a criminal and I truely should not have any reason to feel that way. The blow up a few weeks ago had to do with this whole thing by the way... A lot of what is going on is how she makes me feel like crap and how she lies about things... Even to my friends...
Anyways, I am in a down kinda mood and trying to bring myself out
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Fishing pictures 8/5/2011
I told ya I would get ya some pictures.. here they are, I hope you enjoy... this was from Friday after noon, we started at noon and was there until about 8ish... so it was still light out when we left..
A storm blew in and soaked me so I am like "WoooHooo!! Its over, FISH ON!!" |
While waiting for the storm to get over, I grilled burgers, lol the storm passed almost imeadiately after I lit the grill... Yeah, God has a sence of humor... But I love Him..
Its another one... all in all I caught 6 that I kept
Nate writing a journal entry, Im not sure what he wrote but I think he was takin notes.. | ![]() "Brad your fish are diein" So I caught another one and we went home... |
| a better look at me... Sandi loves to take pics of me.. lol |
this was while I was cleaning them, they still arnt dead yet but ate getting real close... lol the picture prio to this one, I was on the last one and Sandi says "Aww I cant take any more pictures cause youre on the last one." lol
Monday, August 08, 2011
The past few days
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Ok, I said I would tell you about the things I have been up to the past few days.
Friday after work I went fishing on the way home but didnt catch anything. After a little bit and eating lunch, we grabbed the grill, some burgers, and charcoal and headed out to the lake. More specificly, "the wall" which gave me a very big catch after the storm that blew through.
The first fish I caught broke my pole which has given me 2 years of good catching good fish. It was used when I got it. The other 5 fish i used my stiff pole which I had found several years ago in the water of another fishing hole, apparently some one had gotten mad because it broke or the reel gave out.. Either way, I took it home with me and have had a decent spare pole ever since. I cooked most of the fish last night but still have 2 big fillets in the fridge... Perhaps i will go fishing again tomorrow...
once again thanks for stopping by and please leave a note saying you have been here.. Take care
Saturday, August 06, 2011
Missed days and fish
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Im going to write tomorrow, so youre gonna have to wait til then
Friday, August 05, 2011
The world has survived
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Well there was alot of debate to say the least that there was supposed to be a major solar flare hit us at 4 am today... I had hoped to see some borealas but to no alas it was coudy... Its ok though... Well ill be back on here when I get home, its payday today and will be going fishing on the way home.. Im hoping they are biting this time...
once again leave a note...~B
Thursday, August 04, 2011
Things not quite said...
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I think tonight was the longest that my son has talked to me in over a year. Last year he told me that he didnt want to have anything to do with me ever again. This was because of things that was told to him, rather by my now soon to be ex wife or by my daughter... I do truely wonder often now as of which it truely was. It hurts to have your blood tell you they hate you and mean it, and completelhy turn on you. its a pain that is worse than any physical pain, especially when they do every thing possible to hurt you... I'm glad to have talked to my son, but knowing that my daughter tries to hurt me the same way , hurts alot too...
well leave a note and thanks for reading....
Ps: forgot i have to email instead of
Wednesday, August 03, 2011
Things are getting to be something
Monday, August 01, 2011
"And let the hunt begin"
Friday, July 29, 2011
"And there was a war in heaven"
(him) "Im not talking about it here, call me later"
Thursday, July 28, 2011
After the Funeral and Family
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Whew! I'm wore out tonight..
Monday, July 25, 2011
Cooler, But Still More Heat
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Life, and Something Like It...
Friday, July 22, 2011
Sitting here at work bored...
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Well, here I am. I havnt posted in the past couple of days so here I am.
its been hot the past few weeks, with some extreme humidity. I have not seen it this hot in many years. I havnt been able to get out and do anything that I have really wanted to due to the extreme heat and when its not hot its pouring down rain... Or like tonight, I have to work...
Dont get me wrong, i would rather have the heat over freesing cold... On another note I have heard the voice and 12 weeks from this week.. Give or take a few days will be the first frost... The 20 yr ciciada threw me off but i heard the normal ones that tell of the frost this morning...
As always, please leave me a note to let me know that you have stoped by... ~wysprs~
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
*SIGH* What to write about..
Monday, July 18, 2011
Reuben In a Can
- 1 can corned beef in the can
- 1 can sauerkraut
- thousand island dressing or miracle whip
- rye or some other hard or whole grain bread
- swiss cheese
Mix corned beef sauerkraut and dressing in a gallon ziplock bag. it will start to look a salmon color, but will still tastes good.
Butter opposite sides of your bread.
Place one slice of swiss per slice bread.
Add the mix and either broil in oven or pan fry.....
Cheesecake by Brad*
I first made this cheesecake back in 1992, I took it from an old recipe from an obscure cookbook and added a little bit here and little there. Originally if I remember right, the recipe called for cottage cheese that was boiled down to make cream cheese or something similar there of. When I wrote this recipe down it was from memory and this is what I came up with... the last time I made this prior to writing this down was in 1994.
- 2 8 oz. packets Cream Cheese
- 1/3 cup sugar
- 1 4 oz packet lemon jello
- 1 can evaporated milk
- (don’t use the fat free one, you need the fat to bond)
- 3 TBSP Lemon Juice
- 2 tsp vanilla extract
Make jello mix with half of water called for. DO NOT LET THIS SET!! (I used Great Value brand and it called for 1 Cup boiling water and 1 cup cold. I only used the 1 Cup boiling water)
In a large bowl add cream cheese, vanilla, sugar, vanilla, and lemon juice beat with eggbeater or hand mixer until soft.
Add milk to mixture and blend, it will be slightly frothy.
Fold Jello into the cheese mixture until blended.
Let this set for about 5 minutes.
Pour into the crust and place into refrigerator to cool and set up, this will take up to 5 hours, or you can cut the time in half by placing into the freezer.
The crust that I used is the larger gram cracker crust that says "2 more servings" so it is larger and will fill the crust to the top of the gram cracker
Reuben Brad Style*
I have been making Reubens for a very long time, since high school I think, I do know that is the first place I remember eating one. If you have never eaten one, I suggest that you at least try it once.
- 1 Corned Beef Roast, cooked and sliced about 1/8 inch thick
- Sauerkraut, prepared or from a can
- Swiss cheese (I prefer baby Swiss)
- Rye Bread
- Thousand Island dressing (Miracle Whip if you don't like Thousand Island)
- Butter or Margarine
Butter one side of two slices of bread and then stack it so that the buttered sides are towards each other, pour about 1 TBSP of the dressing on the top slice of bread (unbuttered side) and spread it evenly.
Add enough thinly sliced Swiss to cover the bread on top of this.
Add on about 3 -4 TBSP of sauerkraut and arrange it evenly so that it is level and uniform across the sandwich.
To this add enough corned beef to cover your sandwich (the number of slices will vary depending on the size of roast you have cooked), cover with more Swiss cheese.
Here is the tricky part, take the bottom piece of bread, and turn it over onto the top of the sandwich so that the buttered side is facing out. Set the pile on a griddle or pan.
Toast both sides, and its ready to serve.
pictures of how to make this sandwich are at:
Brad's Awesome Hummus
Having been diagnosed with gout and researching it, i decided to go with a greek menu for a while to prevent the painful flare-ups it worked for a while and I really like it a lot, since coming up with this recipe I have had many requests for it from people who also suffer from gout...
- 1 can garbanzo beans/chickpeas
- 1/4 cup olive oil
- 1 tablespoon lemon juice
- 1 teaspoon cumin
- 1 teaspoon oregano
- 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
- 1/2 roasted red bell pepper
In a food processor, blend all ingredients together until smooth and creamy.
Serve immediately with pita bread, pita chips, or veggies. Store in a airtight container for up to three days.
this was my twist on a recipie that I had found... I aded a few things to taste, its rather awesome in my opinion and has a very good color to match the delicate flavors...
just made a second batch, chopped smoother, also added olives and an extra 1/2 tsp oregano and 2 squrts of frank's original to it... 2 words "tottally awesome"